Flat Demand Rate Tariff
The flat demand rate tariff is expressed in the from,C=Ax.Here the bill depends only on the maximum demand.It is independent of the energy consumed.This system is used in street lighting,sign lighting,signal system and irrigation tube wells.In all such systems the amount of connected load and hours of their use are known and the rates of charges are made accordingly.Thus, metering is not required in this system of tariff.
Straight-Line Meter Rate Tariff
This type of tariff is given by the relationship C=By.In this system the bill depends only on the amount of energy consumed.In this system,different types of consumers are charged at different rates.The rate for each type of consumption is decided by taking into consideration the load factor and diversity factor of the load.For example,the flat rate for light and fan loads is higher than that for power loads.For this purpose,separate energy meters are to be installed for light and power loads.
Block Meter Rate Tariff
In this system,the energy consumption is divided into blocks and the price per unit in is fixed in block.The price per unit in the first block is the highest and decreases for the succeeding blocks.Generally the price and energy consumption are divide into three blocks.The first few units of energy at a certain rate,the next few at a slightly lower rate and the remaining units at a still lower rate.Theoretically,this form of tariff does not encourage energy conservation.The energy crisis in India has compelled several states to adopt the reverse form of this tariff.In order to discourage to use more energy,the first few kWh are charged at a certain rate,the next few at a slightly higher rate,the next few at a still higher rate,and so on. For example,the first 100 units or less may be charged at the rate of Rs. 1.43 per unit,the next 100 units at the rate or Rs. 1.63 per unit,and the remaining additional units may be charged at the rate of Rs. 1.83 pr unit.This system of Tariff is used for majority of domestic and commercial consumers.
The flat demand rate tariff is expressed in the from,C=Ax.Here the bill depends only on the maximum demand.It is independent of the energy consumed.This system is used in street lighting,sign lighting,signal system and irrigation tube wells.In all such systems the amount of connected load and hours of their use are known and the rates of charges are made accordingly.Thus, metering is not required in this system of tariff.
Straight-Line Meter Rate Tariff
This type of tariff is given by the relationship C=By.In this system the bill depends only on the amount of energy consumed.In this system,different types of consumers are charged at different rates.The rate for each type of consumption is decided by taking into consideration the load factor and diversity factor of the load.For example,the flat rate for light and fan loads is higher than that for power loads.For this purpose,separate energy meters are to be installed for light and power loads.
Block Meter Rate Tariff
In this system,the energy consumption is divided into blocks and the price per unit in is fixed in block.The price per unit in the first block is the highest and decreases for the succeeding blocks.Generally the price and energy consumption are divide into three blocks.The first few units of energy at a certain rate,the next few at a slightly lower rate and the remaining units at a still lower rate.Theoretically,this form of tariff does not encourage energy conservation.The energy crisis in India has compelled several states to adopt the reverse form of this tariff.In order to discourage to use more energy,the first few kWh are charged at a certain rate,the next few at a slightly higher rate,the next few at a still higher rate,and so on. For example,the first 100 units or less may be charged at the rate of Rs. 1.43 per unit,the next 100 units at the rate or Rs. 1.63 per unit,and the remaining additional units may be charged at the rate of Rs. 1.83 pr unit.This system of Tariff is used for majority of domestic and commercial consumers.