Hybrid microwave systems are the ones which are capable of transmitting TDM data and FDM voice signals simultaneously.To be practical and sound economical it is better to convert the exiting FDM system into a hybrid one than to install a brand new digital system for some of the application.Hybrid systems provide efficient means to transmit data at a rate of 1.544 Mb/sec,in addition to the FDM or the video message,on conventional,analog,FM microwave,cable,optical fiber systems and satellite systems.These systems can be modified to provide higher data rates too.
Fig. shown the transmitter block diagram of a typical 1.544 Mb/sec DUV(data under FDM voice).Here the data spectrum is kept within 0-470 kHz bandwidth which and the lowest FDM channel is at 564 kHz.Elastic store acts as a timing jitter removal circuit.The jitter free data signal is scrambled in a bit scrambler to suppress the high-power discrete spectral components.The advantage of scrambling is that the scrambled output data spectrum is continuous and has a predictable effect on the FDM radio system data bandwidth which is compressed by the use of binary-to-7 level converter which is nothing but correlative coder. LPF perform the function of suppressing the spectral power above 386 kHz (that can impair pilot control tone transmission or the quality of FDM channels) and final spectrum shaping of the digital information. HPF in the FDM path assures that the bandwidth allocated for data transmission contains no analog signal.
The block diagram of 1.544 Mb/sec DUV receiver is shown in fig The digital 7-level information is low pass filtered and inputted to 7-level to binary converter circuit.Its output is descrambled and converted into a 3-level bipolar signal useful for twisted.wire line transmission.Many operational FDM microwave systems use DUV system.