Fifth generation of computer

The fifth-generation computers are under development stage.Japan and USA have undertaken to design and develop such computers.These computers will use ULSI (ultra-large-scale integration) chips. ULSI chips contain millions of components into a single IC.such computers will use intelligent programming,knowledge-based problem solving techniques,high  performance multiprocessor system and improve human-machine interfaces.The input and output information for these computers will understand natual languages like, english,japanese,etc.The programmers will not have to learn programming languages.They will be able to speak commands or key information in their mother tongues.Visions system will also be incorporated. A computers will use intelligent software.The intelligent software will have artificial intelligence.In intelligent programming the user will tell the computer what to do.He will not tell the user will not have the burden of programming.

In the last 40 years there have been many innovations,inventions and developments in the field of computer technology but still today most of the computers use von Neumann's architecture of digital computer.The first four generations of computers used this basic structure and design in which a processor executes simple instructions in a sequence.In a fifth-generation of computers a different design and architecture may be such a design data flow architecture will be used.There will be extensive use of parallel processing.Special coprocessors will be developed to make logical inference and manage massive amounts of stored knowledge.These computers will be acknowledge-based computers. PROLOG is expected to play an important role in making logical inferences.Users will work in natural language like English,Japanese,etc.The language of operating system will be PROLOG  

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